Post a record of a 5S process that you have completed. Post a before and after picture. Also, post a short narrative of how you addressed each of the "8s's" of the 5S Process.
The 5S Methodology
1. Sorting (Seiri)
I addressed this method by going through my desk drawer and white organizer and placing labels on each of the drawers. I then placed the appropriate items in the correct drawer. The pens and pencils in one drawer, the sticky notes and notepads in another and so on.
2. Straightening or setting in order (Seiton)
I accomplished this task by taking all the old sticky notes off my desk and cabinets. I then took all the information on those old stick notes and put the relevant information onto just 1 sticky note on my computer
3. Sweeping or Shining or cleanliness (Seiso)
For this one I decided to go the extra mile and wipe the surface of my desk with Lysol wipe. I also noticed a dust bunny in the corner of my desk so I took the liberty of dusting my radio and other objects on my desk that needed dusting.
4. Standardizing (Seiketsu)
I will try making my desk look just like it does not just now but for the rest of the school year. One could say that the picture of the desk clean is now the standard for what I have to keep it looking like. There will be no more letting junk accumulate on my desk and then clean it on the weekends or before company comes over.
5. Sustaining the discipline or self-discipline (Shitsuke)
This one kind of goes hand in hand with (Seiketsu). I am going to discipline myself so that I will not have to spend 30 minutes cleaning my desk because of the large amounts of garbage that has piled up over the week. Instead I will clean it as it appears on my desk.
Additional Words
6. Safety
I got rid of the Mountain Dew can on my desk because failure to do so could end up with it spilling onto my computer. The computer could then spark and burn my whole room down. I decided to not have anymore liquids on my desk just to be on the safe side because I also have the circuit board for my radio on there.
7. Security
It is not shown in the picture, but one of the speakers to my radio is directly above my computer and every time I turn the radio up the speakers begin to vibrate. Usually I notice it right before they fall and just readjust it. However, I decided to secure it with fun tack and duct tape. Now I do not have to worry about the speaker vibrating off the shelf and crashing down on my computer.
8. Satisfaction
I am happy now that my desk is clean and free of clutter. Feels like a weight has lifted off my chest and now I can focus on work instead of thinking about and trying to interpret what I wrote down on the sticky note the day before.
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